We are restocking cacao as we explained in our Cacao Letter. Mid May we plan to have a lot in stock again. Sorry for the wait!

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Pumpkin Spice Kakaw Latte

Pumpkin Spice Kakaw Latte



A heart-warming drink inspired by autumn. We always like to play around with recipes and explore new combinations. This is a nice one to take your time and create something unique.

1. In a pan, put 2 tbsp of smashed Pumpkin.
2. Add 200ml of plant-based milk.
3. Add 1-2 tsp of sweetness (muscovado sugar, maple syrup, coconut sugar...).
4. Spices: 1 dash of Cinnamon and Ginger, a pinch of Cayenne, Nutmeg and Cloves!
5. Once everything is hot, before it boils, add 15-20gr cacao.

⤖ Blend everything for a smooth texture (blender or hand-blender).
⤖ Serve & share this yummy recipe.


Enjoy! 🎃⠀

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